FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is SAFA Driving Academy Ministry’s approved BDE course provider?

YES. Our school is a Ministry-Approved BDE Course Provider. Visit the MTO website to see a complete list of approved course providers in Ontario.

Why Should we choose a driving school for driving lessons?

There are many advantages of joining a driving school to learn driving above all you get two benefits 1-You get discount in your auto insurance premium 2- BDE certification reduces waiting time from 12 months to 8 months to go for road test.

What is BDE course?

It is ministry’s approved beginner driver’s education course which can be taken from Ministry’s approved course provider schools only.

What is included in your full packages?

Our full course package includes 20 hours of digital instruction followed by 10 hours of private in-car instruction and 10 hours of home-work link program.

Is there any time limit to complete the course?

You must complete the course within one (1) year of your registration date.

Do I need to complete my online course to start my in-car lessons?

No, we allow you to begin doing your in-car training during or after your in-class training. As long as you provide a copy of your driver’s licence and your proof of complete course payment, we will provide you with the contact information of your in-car instructor to begin booking your individual private lessons.

When Can I book my road test?

The normal wait time is 1 year after obtaining you G1 licence. With the completion of our full course however, you are eligible to go for your road test after a reduce wait time of 8 months.

Why should I join SAFA Driving Academy?

At SAFA Driving Academy, we aim to provide the best driver learning training and experience to our students that will make them safe drivers on the roads of Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, or Bowmanville.

I have anxiety related to driving; can your instructors help?

Yes, we can. Our instructors have been exclusively trained to deal with nervous drivers as well as drivers with anxiety.

Can I use driving school car for my road test?

Yes, our instructors’ cars are available to use for your road test at an additional cost in or out of town.

How can I book my road test?

To book your road test appointment you may call 1-888-570-6110 or log on to www.drivetest.ca Alternatively, you may ask your driving instructor to book your road test for you.

Can I get a refund if I decide to unenroll?

Should a student withdraw from the course subsequent to registration but prior to the commencement of any instructional activities, an administrative fee of $50.00 will be retained by the institution, and the remaining balance of any fees paid will be refunded. In the event that a student withdraws following the completion of one hour of in-car instruction, an administrative fee of $50.00, in addition to the cost of the completed in-car driving lesson, will be deducted from any refund issued. No refunds will be provided if ninety (90) days have elapsed following registration, or if the student has commenced or completed a second driving lesson, whichever comes first.

How do I cancel my driving lessons?

In-car driving lessons may be rescheduled by directly contacting the assigned instructor to arrange an alternative appointment. An additional fee of $25.00/hour will be charged if the student misses an in-car lesson without providing a 24 hour cancellation notice to the instructor.

Ministry-approved Beginner Driver Education Course provider

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Monday – Saturday

08:00 AM – 07:00 PM

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